Post by Nomen NescioWhen using Tor Browser, some random websites began reporting that items
(Clothing and healthcare products) were not available in the
Netherlands. Changing the Tor circuit to another random country would
show the item as available, but in a few minutes, the circuit would revert
to exiting in the Netherlands again and items would accordingly disappear.
Editing torrc and adding the following line has solved the problem for
ExcludeExitNodes {nl}
Post by Nomen NescioI'm supposed to "edit my torrc". What does that mean?
WARNING: Do NOT follow random advice instructing you to edit your torrc!
Doing so can allow an attacker to compromise your security and anonymity
through malicious configuration of your torrc.
Tor uses a text file called torrc that contains configuration instructions
for how Tor should behave. The default configuration should work fine for
most Tor users (hence the warning above.)
To find your Tor Browser torrc, follow the instructions for your operating
system below.
The torrc is in the Tor Browser Data directory at Browser/TorBrowser/
Data/Tor inside your Tor Browser directory.
The torrc is in the Tor Browser Data directory at ~/Library/Application
Note the Library folder is hidden on newer versions of macOS. To navigate
to this folder in Finder, select "Go to Folder..." in the "Go" menu.
Then type ~/Library/Application Support/ in the window and click Go.
Close Tor Browser before you edit your torrc, otherwise Tor Browser may
erase your modifications. Some options will have no effect as Tor Browser
overrides them with command line options when it starts Tor.
Have a look at the sample torrc file for hints on common configurations.
For other configuration options you can use, see the Tor manual page.
Remember, all lines beginning with # in torrc are treated as comments and
have no effect on Tor's configuration.