OT: How long does Google groups keep their old usenet archive?
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Nomen Nescio
2024-10-11 08:51:41 UTC
I'm not asking when/if they decide to drop all old posts, but
currently, they still support their archive and I wonder how far
it goes.
At one point I had heard (read?) 25 years and I played around
this without ever really coming to closure. Today, I did a bunch
narrowing searches for "Sawfish" posts and the earliest on I
found was
6/6/98. This is approximately 26 years 4 months. Also, the
context of
this post *looks* as if I had already been posting for a while,
leading me to think that nothing earlier still exists due to a
Too, I had posted much earlier--maybe as early as '94?--under
different handles, but searches for posts under those handles
up nothing.
Does anyone have definitive info on the earliest dates of RST
they can find?
I think google's archive is as close to canonical as is publicly
available, but I could be wrong. I have archives locally in a
database from 2003 forward. It's nice because it affords some
better searching capabilities than google groups interface. But,
it's also a bit of extra maintenance, and if my provider reindexes
messages I have to adjust. I had hoped archive.org would either
buy Google's archive or Google would donate it. Honestly,
text-only archives of usenet is a drop in the bucket storage-wise.
It seems like a no-brainer to keep messages from the dawn of the
internet safe from a fickle company like Google.
The wayback machine (archive.org) has been officially hacked and is
currently out of action.


Democrats are trying to erase evidence of their criminal activity.
2024-10-11 11:58:50 UTC
Post by Nomen Nescio
I think google's archive is as close to canonical as is publicly
available, but I could be wrong. I have archives locally in a
database from 2003 forward. It's nice because it affords some
better searching capabilities than google groups interface. But,
it's also a bit of extra maintenance, and if my provider reindexes
messages I have to adjust. I had hoped archive.org would either
buy Google's archive or Google would donate it. Honestly,
text-only archives of usenet is a drop in the bucket storage-wise.
It seems like a no-brainer to keep messages from the dawn of the
internet safe from a fickle company like Google.
The wayback machine (archive.org) has been officially hacked and is
currently out of action.
Democrats are trying to erase evidence of their criminal activity.
(using Tor Browser 13.5.7)
Post by Nomen Nescio