2025-02-06 09:36:39 UTC
Nofuture is a web application to use with the browser.
When in one tab you have a chat F4c3b00k, in the other tab there is nofuture.
In the first tab, with your interlocutor you decide to have a secret communication.
In the second tab, the nofuture one, you and your interlocutor start a session.
This will produce a session code, which you will share with your interlocutor and a pair of keys.
Once you receive the session code from your interlocutor, both of you can start pairing your sessions.
This will allow both of you to encrypt and decrypt text.
Text that you will copy and paste to and from the chat you are using.
It is like a crypto text plugin not integrated into your mainstream chat.
The keys are generated on our server and kept in ram.
At the end of the session they will be deleted forever.
For a new conversation you will have to generate a new session and therefore new keys.
In technical terms it is called ZeroTrust, I called it nofuture, at the end of the session nofuture decryption.
The purpose is to leave encrypted conversations inside mainstream chats for which the keys that generated them and that decrypt them no longer exist.
Nofuture is open for testing.
I'd like to know user experiences to make it better.
Share your experience here.
Best regards
When in one tab you have a chat F4c3b00k, in the other tab there is nofuture.
In the first tab, with your interlocutor you decide to have a secret communication.
In the second tab, the nofuture one, you and your interlocutor start a session.
This will produce a session code, which you will share with your interlocutor and a pair of keys.
Once you receive the session code from your interlocutor, both of you can start pairing your sessions.
This will allow both of you to encrypt and decrypt text.
Text that you will copy and paste to and from the chat you are using.
It is like a crypto text plugin not integrated into your mainstream chat.
The keys are generated on our server and kept in ram.
At the end of the session they will be deleted forever.
For a new conversation you will have to generate a new session and therefore new keys.
In technical terms it is called ZeroTrust, I called it nofuture, at the end of the session nofuture decryption.
The purpose is to leave encrypted conversations inside mainstream chats for which the keys that generated them and that decrypt them no longer exist.
Nofuture is open for testing.
I'd like to know user experiences to make it better.
Share your experience here.
Best regards